

Manitoba Poison Centre has launched a new website. This new site will provide readers with an enhanced user experience as they learn about current information regarding common poisons and poison centre activities. The site will be regularly updated so come back often to learn about current issues and trends in the care of the poisoned patient.


National Poison Prevention Week : Prevention is In Your Hands!

March 20, 2021

In recognition of National Poison Prevention Week, the Manitoba Poison Centre would like to
raise awareness about common household poisons, and ...

Dear Parents: Your Baby Food is Safe

February 08, 2021

Read the Poison Centre's statement

Poisoning Prevention in Canada Webinar January 27, 2021

January 20, 2021

Poisoning Prevention in Canada: Data, trends and calls to action.

Health-Care Professionals: New Priority Queue Available February 8, 2021

January 18, 2021

Based on ongoing feedback we have received about the Poison Centre call experience, we have made changes to our queueing system in order to prioritize ...

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