Call Us
Poisonings can happen to anyone at anytime. We are here to help you. If you think someone has been poisoned call us right away!
Manitoba Poison Centre
1-844-764-7669 (Toll-free)
Health Care Providers call
1-855-776-4766 (Toll-free)
The Manitoba Poison Centre is committed to providing service to all Manitobans. For those who are hearing impaired, please call us using your telephone service provider's call relay service.
Email Us
At the Manitoba Poison Centre, we believe the best care occurs when we build positive relationships with our callers. If you have a comment, compliment or concern, we encourage you to email us.
Part of building a positive relationship is sharing stories that others can learn from. If you have a story to share about a poisoning that happened to you, a friend or family member, please email us. You could be featured in a news story! Stories can also remain anonymous, based on your preference.
For administrative questions or requests for poison prevention materials, please email us.
Email Manitoba Poison Centre:
[email protected]