
Shared Health access and privacy

Please note: due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, our government is reducing operations to essential services to limit exposure to COVID-19 while balancing the need to continue essential operations.
Your access request is important, however our organization’s ability to respond to requests within the act’s legislated time frames may be impacted until the situation stabilizes. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please contact the Shared Health Access and Privacy Department at 204-926-8022 if you wish to discuss.

Privacy statement

The privacy, confidentiality and security of information are important to Shared Health. Our organization, and each individual member of our staff, are committed to maintaining the integrity of all information entrusted to us.

The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)

As a Trustee under The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA), Shared Health is entrusted to protect your personal health information. There are rules for collection, use and disclosure of personal health information and it must only be accessed to the extent necessary to plan and deliver health care to Manitobans.
PHIA provides individuals (patients/clients/residents) with a right to:

  • access their personal health information;
  • request a copy of their personal health information; and
  • request corrections to their health record.

There are certain limited exceptions that may apply to these requests.
The Act also requires that Shared Health protect the privacy and confidentiality of all personal health information and sets out clear and consistent rules for how Shared Health can collect, use and disclose personal health information.

Click here if you are interested in knowing more about PHIA
Click here to read PHIA related Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to see The Personal Health Information Act
Click here to watch a video on PHIA, including tips for avoiding breaching it note: video will not play on Internet Explorer. Please use Chrome. 


The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

As a public body under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Shared Health is entrusted to protect your personal information (e.g. your personnel file). There are rules for collection, use and disclosure of personal information by public bodies.
Please note that FIPPA does not apply to information contained in medical records. For information about accessing personal health information, refer to the section on PHIA.
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) provides individuals with the right to access to their own personal information (e.g. personnel files) and to access information in records held by Shared Health. With certain limited exceptions, you may request to see and obtain copies of records held by Shared Health.
FIPPA also requires that Shared Health protect the privacy and confidentiality of all personal information and sets out clear and consistent rules for how Shared Health can collect, use and disclose personal information.

Click here if you are interested in knowing more about FIPPA
Click here to see The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


PHIA, FIPPA and The Mental Health Act policies, forms and guidelines

A full listing of all PHIA, FIPPA and Mental Health Act policies, forms and guidelines is available here.
These policies are also available on our Shared Health Policies page.

Please note that all persons conducting business or visiting staff in Shared Health facilities must complete the Personal Health Information Confidentiality Pledge.

If you have trouble accessing these policies, please request copies from your Manager or email [email protected].



Shared Health’s Privacy Delegates are your resource for further information on PHIA issues.
Christina Von Schindler, Chief Privacy Officer
[email protected]