Common Poisons
Poisonous substances can be found in a variety of places. They can easily be found in and around your home, at work, in public places – places that you would least expect. Many of the calls received by the Ontario Poison Centre are about children who have swallowed, touched, or breathed in a poisonous product, but adults are at risk for poisoning too! It is important to understand the potential dangers of the products and substances that you and your family come in contact with on a regular basis.
Current Top 10
Learn about the top ten most common types of exposures managed by the Specialists in Poison Information at the Manitoba Poison Centre.
Medicines are the most common substance that we are contacted about. They include prescription and over-the-counter medicines, as well as natural or herbal remedies and vitamins.
The Manitoba Poison Centre receives many calls about people who have touched or eaten a plant that may be poisonous. To help you keep your family safe follow our plant safety information.
Eating mushrooms that you have found growing outdoors can be extremely dangerous. Eating even small parts of some mushrooms can cause sickness and death.