National Poison Prevention Week (March 21-27, 2021)
In recognition of National Poison Prevention Week, the Manitoba Poison Centre would like to raise awareness about common household poisons, and how to prevent poisonings from occurring for all age groups.
In 2020, the Poison Centre received a total 66,977 calls, and saw a 6% increase in calls coming from the home (vs calls from hospitals, schools, workplaces and public areas). Additionally, in reviewing our top 10 home exposures, household cleaning products moved up to the #1 spot for children under 6yrs old (from #2 in 2019), and to the #3 spot in the all-ages group (from #4 in 2019). This shift may be related to the COVID-19 pandemic: more families have been staying at home to combat community spread of the virus, and there has been an increased focus on hand washing, cleaning and disinfecting. The Poison Centre is also seeing an increase in cases of children unintentionally eating edible cannabis products and requiring hospital admission. In many cases these products were unregulated, looked almost identical to popular brands of candy, and contained many more milligrams of THC than approved by Health Canada.
The Manitoba Poison Centre website ( has several new/updated resources to help families stay safe: