
National Poison Prevention Week: Prevention is Key! March 22-26, 2022

Since legalization of cannabis in 2018, the Poison Centres* has seen a shocking increase in cases of children accidentally eating edible cannabis products and requiring hospitalization. In 2018, we answered 71 cannabis edible related calls while last year we answered 718. That is an increase of over 820% in four years!
Easy access due to improper storage has been the common denominator that has led to an increase in children consuming cannabis edibles. In many of these cases, these products look almost identical to desserts, treats and popular brands of candy. 
Follow us for Poison Prevention information and local participation in Manitoba during National Poison Prevention Week.

During National Poison Prevention Week, look for hashtags #CheckforPoisons (Canada) and #NPPW2022 (North America) to stay up to date with messages and activities taking place related to poison prevention.
Check out the Manitoba Poison Centre website (manitobapoison.ca) for great resources to help families stay safe:
Common Poisons Section
  • Browse through a searchable list of household products to learn more about their poison risk, and what to do if someone has been exposed.
  • Learn about the top 10 most common household exposures in 2021, separated by age group.
  • Check out the poison storage checklist, made by our friends at Parachute (Canada national charity dedicated to injury prevention).
For Families Section
  • Learn about poison prevention strategies you can use in your home.
  • Visit our cannabis hub to learn about why cannabis is more dangerous for children than for adults, and what you can do to prevent an unintentional poisoning from occurring.
Additional Resources

Remember: If an unintentional poisoning occurs, contact your local poison centre:
Manitoba: 1-855-7764766
For a full list of Canadian Poison Centre Numbers: Canadian Association for Poison Centres and Clinical Toxicology